The prestigious Vikatan Awards for the year 2017 will be held on January 13 in Chennai. In today’s edition of Ananda Vikatan, they have announced the list of winners in various categories. Among all the films released last year, Mersal, Aramm, Aruvi, Taramani and Vikram Vedha have bagged a lot of awards.
Thalapathy Vijay has been selected as the Best Actor for his versatile performance in Mersal, AR Rahman has been chosen as the Best Music Composer for both Mersal and Kaatru Veliyidai, Shreya Ghoshal’s Neethane from the Vijay starrer and Mazhaikulle from Puriyaadha Pudhir. Mersal has also been selected as the most popular Tamil film of 2017 and all the costume designers of the film will also be awarded at the event.
Nayanthara’s powerful performance in Aramm bagged her the Best Actress award in Vikatan Awards, the film’s director Gopi Nainar has been chosen as the Best Director and Aramm has also been adjudged as the Best Tamil film.
Vikatan honored Dream Warrior Pictures as the Best Production house for Aruvi, the film’s director Arun has been chosen as the Best Debut Director and heroine Aditi is the Best Debutant female lead. Aruvi also bagged an award for Best Editing.
Taramani and Vikram Vedha have also won multiple awards. Taramani hero Vasanth Ravi has won the Best Debutant (Male), Ram got the best dialogue writer award for the same film and ‘Master’ Adrian has been chosen as the Best Child Artist.
‘Makkal’ Selvan Vijay Sethupathi has won the Best Villain award for his impeccable role in Vikram Vedha, the film’s directors Pushkar-Gayathri has got an award for Best Screenplay and the team will also get the Best Crew award. Anirudh’s Yaanji and Karuthavenllam Galeejam fetched him Best Singer (Male) award and Sshivada has got the Best villain (female) for her performance in Adhe Kangal.
Veteran music composer Ilaiyaaraja will also receive the Life Time Achievement Award (SS Vasan Award) at the grand event.
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